Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Smoking Persuasive Essay - 778 Words

In the United States, about 25.5 million men and 21.5 million women are smokers. Around 80,000 to 100,000 children worldwide start smoking every day, and almost half of those children live in Asia. Its estimated that nearly 4.5 million United States youth are smokers, and if this current pattern persists, about 6.4 tobacco-using children will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease. From those 80,000 to 100,000 children about 50% of them will continue smoking for another decade or two. These kids help make up the 90% of smokers that started before age 21. The youth that has and will start smoking will have a harder time quitting, just as long-time smokers. Childhood smoking can cause a wide array of health issues ones such as†¦show more content†¦Withdrawal will cause anxiety, irritability, and have strong cravings for nicotine. Then will come the other side effects of things like hearing loss, blindness, and cataracts, cavities and mouth cancers. Your skin will becom e dry and lose its elasticity causing it to wrinkle and lose its color. It can affect the heart by making your blood thick and sticky and will create fatty deposits, which in return can cause heart attacks or strokes. Your lungs will most definitely be scarred. You may even get emphysema, and will most likely get respiratory infections. Cancer is also a large risk while smoking. It can damage your DNA and it will mess up your cells. This can cause you to grow a tumor. About one-third of all cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use. Other side effects include muscle and bone weakness as well as a weakened immune system, a high white blood cell count, lower estrogen levels, and even developing type 2 diabetes. This is a high price to pay to feel better just compared to the price of smoking. Tobacco use is often picked up from advertisements and the romanticisation of smoking. In advertisements, it is often depicting youthful people, sexual attraction, as well as being independent or be coming independent just because of one little cigarette or electronic cigarette. This appeals to teens and young adults who often struggle with these issues and do not research. Most do not care about the real-life effects of the tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia.Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay Smoking885 Words   |  4 Pagessuch as smoking. People smoke for numerous reasons. These reasons include: socializing, coping with emotions, parental influences, advertising, and for the thrill of risk taking behaviors. In consequence, many people are unaware of the negative aspects to smoking. Smoking not only affects the individual but has negative impacts on others that are around the smoker and the environment as well. In result of these harmful aspects of smoking, smoking should be banned in public places. Smoking shouldRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking911 Words   |  4 Pages Do you know anyone that has/does suffer from a smoking related issue, that has never even touched a cigarette in their life? The problems that develop from smoking a cigarette are widely known and many people think it is harmful to smoke, but people never think about the harmful effects from inhaling second-hand smoke. Many smokers smoke in public areas every day. Not only are they inhaling all of the deadly chemicals, but so is everyone else around them. Being around a smoker too often and inhalingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking929 Words   |  4 Pages Have you ever wondered why people continue to smoke cigarettes although they are aware that it is harmful for them and the people around them? For some, smoking cigarettes is a solution to relieving stress. According to K.H Ginzel, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology, cigarettes contain over 4,000 different chemicals and one of these chemicals is nicotine. His work at the University of Arkansas is on the area of nicoti ne and its effects. Ginzel, M.D states â€Å"Nicotine is a highly addictiveRead MorePersuasive Essay Smoking896 Words   |  4 Pagesoften seen as a safe or safer route to smoking. It is also relatively new to the market, only hitting the mainstream over the past decade. Due to the fact that it hasn’t been a part of the public consciousness for as long as cigarette smoking, there is a lot of people that still do not fully understand about it. Smoking is an evil habit that millions of people around the world have adapted. However, luckily vaporizers have become a huge trend in the smoking world. â€Å"About 3.7% of adults currentlyRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking707 Words   |  3 PagesThe sound of a cough rings throughout the park. The foul stench of thousands of chemicals wafts through the air. Peering around, the culprit is spotted; a man smoking on a nearby bench. Smoking has long since been regarded as one of the number one avoidable causes of death (Pietrangelo Cherney, 2017). Tobacco is one of the most widely-used recreational drugs in the world and although most countries put age restrictions on its use, over a billion adults smoke tobacco legally every day. As wellRead MorePersuasive Essay on Smoking883 Words   |  4 Pages      The Adversities of Smoking. Smoking and even second hand smoking can lead to fatal diseases such as, lung cancer, cancer of the larynx, esophagus, and bladder diseases. ltobacco/secondhandsmoke.html / smoking is hazardous enough to an individual’s health and it’s even more disturbing when people are exposed to dangers caused by smoking. The tobacco company however, had thought false labeling would help the situation when all it has done is worsen the case. The tobaccoRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking1236 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout history, smoking cigarettes has led to higher risks of developing different kinds of cancers and other health problems. Most people who are smokers are unaware of how serious their addiction actually is. Not only are they deteriorating their bodies, they are harming others in the process. Even if people are not concerned about their own health, they should at least be thoughtful be considerate enough to be mindful of people around th em, particularly their own family. Smoking cigarettes isRead MoreSmoking Persuasive Essay757 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is a plague to a plethora of individuals. Despite the numerous anti-smoking campaigns held all over the country, we have seen the number of smokers decline in a prolong rate. Even though, millions of ex-smokers surrendered to the temptation and continued with their atrocious habit—feeling depressed since theyre not mentally stable. Naturally, the query ascends: how plausible is it to quit with a horrible addiction like smoking? The simple answer to this question is â€Å"Yes† only if the personRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking853 Words   |  4 Pages Cigarette smoking has become the number one cause of preventable diseases and deaths in the United States. While many are aware of that fact, more than 45 million Americans still participate in the activity of smoking. Approximately 480,000 deaths occur annually as an aftermath from smoking†”meaning 1 in every 5 deaths (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Furthermore, a heavy smoker, smoking an average of 20 cigarettes to a pack each day, dies 13 to 14 years earlier. Smoking is an all-in-oneRead MorePersuasive Essay On Smoking713 Words   |  3 PagesDuring the past few decades it has come to light that smoking kills. The federal government mandates that every pack of cigarettes carry a warning on it that smoking can lead to health problems including death. But the messages are rather clinical, for example: â€Å"Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.† Smoking is a danger to one’s own health but there is now evidence that smoking can affect others as well. Second hand smoke has been shown to cause cancer

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